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Hydrographic Cartography: Regulation

The Hydrographic Institute, in accordance with the Decree-Law no. 193/95, of July 28, amended and republished by the Decree-Law no. 130/2019, of August 30, regulates the exercise of Hydrographic Cartography activities, through the provision of technical specifications for the production of cartography, the inspection of production activities, the homologation of cartographic products and the registration of private entities producing cartography.

Production of Hydrographic Cartography: prior communication for the exercise of this activity

With the exception of organisms producing official cartography, the exercise of activities in related to the production of hydrographic cartography is subject to prior communication to the Hydrographic Institute.

For private entities from European Union, wishing to exercise their activity in Portugal, it is necessary to have a Portuguese legal representative and register through the e_portugal portal.

(Documents only available in the Portuguese version).

Hydrographic Cartography: Technical Specifications for Production

It is the responsibility of the Hydrographic Institute to define the technical specifications for the production of hydrographic cartography. In the exercise of activities, entities are subject to compliance with the provisions of the legal diploma and its regulations.

The technical specifications for hydrographic cartography are under review following the publication of Decree-Law no. 130/2019, of 30 August and the publication of new standards for hydrographic surveys, recommended by the International Hydrographic Organization (6th edition of S-44) and subscribed by the Hydrographic Institute.

The technical specifications, published in 2009, remain a reference for reading, although not mandatory because they are out of date.

(Documents only available in the Portuguese version).

Hydrographic Cartography Regulation

Hydrographic Cartography Regulation

S-44 Edition 6.0.0

S-44 Edition 6.0.0

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