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Equality Plan

Equality Plan

IH's Commitment to the National Defense Sector Plan for Gender Equality

National Defense Sector Plan for Gender Equality (PDF)

Gender Equality Commitment at Instituto Hidrográfico (PDF)

In accordance with the guidelines of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Treaty on European Union, the European Pact for Equality between Men and Women and also the provisions of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic (Art. 13) and the Labour Code (Art. 23 to 65), gender equality is an essential human right for the development of society and for full participation in the society of men and women as persons.

This right has become increasingly important, notably in the growing awareness of organizations of the urgent need for the adoption and implementation of measures to combat gender discrimination. The development of public, national and European policies relating to gender equality issues has given a new look at the conditions that allow and facilitate the reconciliation of work activity with family and personal life. Despite the evolution, resulting from the involvement and commitment of the institutions and their leaders, asymmetries are still identified and must be corrected.

Bearing in mind the importance of gender equality, Instituto HIdrográfico undertakes to follow the Guidelines, Directives and Plans of the Ministry of National Defence with regard to the need to ensure equality between men and women in the institution, with particular emphasis on the guidelines set out in the National Defence Sector Plan for Equality 2019-2021, in its 4 axes, Equality, Conciliation, Training and The Women's Agenda, Peace and Security (WPS) with a view to:

  • Ensure a governance that integrates the combat against discrimination on grounds of sex and the promotion of equality in policies and actions, at all levels, of National Defence;
  • Ensure conditions for full and equal participation of women and men in professional activity, promoting the reconciliation between professional, personal and family life;
  • Ensure the conditions for gender stereotype-free education and training and promote equality at all levels of National Defence education and training;
  • Ensure the dissemination of the WPS Agenda, in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1325, and the commitment of women to operations and missions.

Code of good conduct for preventing and combating harassment

Dispatch of the Chief Of Staff of the Navy No. 1/21, of January 12 - Code of Good Conduct for the Prevention and Combat against the Harassment in the Navy

The Instituto Hidrográfico, as a Navy agency, considers that the military, militarized and civilian personnel, in the context of the fulfillment of their mission,  must conduct their actions in compliance with the principles of rigor and transparency, legality, non-discrimination and good faith, in order to generate and maintain the credibility and prestige of the service, thus conferring an increased responsibility in terms of conduct to all employees.

The Code of Good Conduct for the Prevention and Combating the Harassment, published in the Order of the Chief Admiral of the Armed Staff No. 1/21, of January 12, in compliance with one of the measures of the National Defense Sector Plan, aims to be one of the tools to identify, prevent, eliminate and punish situations and behaviors that may embody harassment that might occur in the organization.

National Defence and Equality Award

Regulation and Brochure of the National Defense and Equality Award

Candidacy for the National Defense and Equality Award (PDF))

Instituto HIdrográfico Equality Plan (PDF)

Instituto HIdrográfico submitted in July 2022 an application for the National Defense and Equality Award 3rd Edition 2022 whose object was the creation of a Plan for Equality of the Hydrographic Institute, which reflects the needs of the institution within the 4 axes indicated by the MDN: Equality, Conciliation, Training, Women, Peace and Security.
The aforementioned award, promoted by the General Secretariat of the Ministry of National Defence, has as its strategic objective to combat discrimination and promote equality between women and men at work and in vocational training, as well as in the area of work, family and personal balance, and also aims at promoting institutional practices aimed at preventing and combating domestic and gender violence.

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