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Glider recovery from the Canary Islands Ocean Platform

Last Wednesday, July 12, the Hydrographic Institute, with the support of the NRP Andromeda, recovered the glider (autonomous vehicle without its own propulsion) from the Ocean Platform of the Canary Islands (PLOCAN), which had been launched in June as part of the collaboration between both institutions under the Eshed-iFado mission (Eddy Shedding monitoring off Setúbal Bay) of IPMA (Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere).
This equipment was autonomously collecting data from the water column between the surface and a depth of 1000m for 28 days in the Setubal submarine canyon, covering a total of around 260 nautical miles. These salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, turbidity and chlorophyll data will be added to others acquired under the PAAnoramic mission of the iFado project.

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