Naval Meteorological and Oceanographic Center (CMETOC)
Meteorological and oceanographic support (METOC) is recognized as a key element in naval and maritime operations.
In recent years, the Hydrographic Institute (IH) has developed valencies in the field of meteorological forecasting, through the construction of observation and data collection networks, as well as the implementation of operational forecasting systems based on complex mathematical models.
By order, the Chief Admiral of the General Staff of the Navy, established a working group with the purpose of transforming the aforementioned valences into a functional Navy capability in order to guarantee METOC support to naval and maritime operations, In a sustained way, through the creation of a Meteorological and Oceanographic Naval Center (CMETOC), in the dependence of Rear Admiral Director General of the IH.
Orçamento da Marinha e do IH.
The project is finishing the building phase and starting the operational exploration phase.
2017-01-10 | 2017-10-12
100 %
Em estudo a celebração de protocolos.